Studio X is a private, independent, well equipped space for massage and other sensual delights such as erotic hypnosis, exploration of kink, and sex-education workshops and classes. Studio X is appropriate for mature adults, and we screen new clients to ensure a good match for our team. If you are looking for sensual massage, lingam or yoni worship and to be pleased and teased then "bodywork" is for you. 


We offer a space that honours our clients with the highest level of respect and integrity, dignity, discretion, safety - and expect the same in return.  

Freja Njorden

In Studio X  sensual massage is experienced as a positive, healthy and integrative session designed to connect you with yourself and expand your pleasure capacity.  It is about facilitating your experience of yourself, building your own energy,  Pure non goal oriented pleasure, for an extended time. 


The full body is massaged, including rosebud and prostate if desired. Uncented hot oil with flowing strokes and and genuine body massage relax the body and mind before the focus shifts to genitals. A Sensual Massage here is not the same as going to a typical spa, it is an integrative physically and mentally healthy experience. The goal of this is not orgasm (although it is welcome), but to enjoy every moment of pleasure leading up to it, and allow your full body to become orgasmic.. and feel more pleasure than you would ordinarily be capable of feeling.  


This massage is time for you to relax and receive fully, to shift out of performance-mode and let go, into a pampering and nurturing sensual experience in a completely safe and non judgmental environment.  You may find a deeper sense of connection to yourself as well as peace and joy following sessions.  You may find yourself with more physical pleasure and sensitivity during sexual activity in your private life, more vigor and zest for life.